Waking up as a little boy the excitement for the day’s adventure pumped
through my veins and lit up my eyes. I’d look out the window at the bright
sunshine, the hay fields, and the expansive blue skies and magical clouds. Once
out in the freedom of the day, with no responsibilities, I’d hop, skip, jump,
and run with joy, wonder, and excitement. Somewhere along the way, I began to
remember and learned about cause and effect. Suddenly some limitations came
into existence. Continuing to grow and mature, I learned to reason and apply my
own critical thinking to situations that may or may not happen. I was creating
a new reality within the context of my mind and my past experiences. The
Now, with another level of awareness that has developed, the spiritual
awareness, it’s like walking the tight rope between this world we live and work
in, and the uninhibited freedom of a child at play. There is something more to
this experience of life. We are not just conditioned beasts of labour and love.
We are not just confined to living a life sentence in suburbia. There is, and
always was, so much more available to us. It exists everywhere, including
suburbia, at work, in the mundane, at the most extraordinary and ordinary. The
only way I can explain the discovery is to dance.
One day hopeful, the other day destitute, one day in love, the next day
hateful, one moment playful, the next moment serious, and one day success, the
next day failure. We’re constantly moving and changing. The only constant is
the silence, the stillness, the quiet place deep inside where spirit connects
spirit. We feel it in the closest moments of intimacy with family or
significant others. It is experienced in the greatest profound moment of joy
and all words, all senses, all comprehension has escaped us. There is nothing
left to figure out, there is only to forget.
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